Rubber duckie, you're the one..."
Another Pleasant Valley Sunday
Last Days
Yesterday was much better. She napped in the car while we did some last minute parallel parking practice before Aunt Kathryn's road test. A few hours later she passed her test with flying colors! We went to Ben & Jerry's to celebrate. That night Kag & I went to the movies, and Paul stayed home with Annie. She tried her first formula to make sure she'd be okay with it in case we need to supplement while I'm at work. She drank it right up and we have had no vomiting, so looks like we're good to go! Hopefully I'll be able to pump enough that she won't need it though.
So that's that. Now I'm off to enjoy our final weekend before I go back. Crazy. A tiny part of me is looking forward to working again, and getting into a regular routine. I do love my job and the people I work with. A much bigger part of me is dreading leaving her. I know that in no time this will be our regular routine though, and that we'll make the most of the time we do have together. It's just hard to imagine at the moment...
Sleeping Arrangements
She's been all smiley and chatty each morning since she started sleeping so long, and she was the especially smiley this morning. I think it might be because she woke up and her beloved mobile was above her. She kept looking at me and then looking up at the mobile, chatting away. Very cute!
The other good news is she's a loud sleeper, she makes little noises when she breathes. So all I need to do is listen to her squeaking away through the monitor and I know she's okay! Cuts back on a lot of trips to her room to peek in. Although I did do that once anyway, of course. :)
We took a break from watching the Olympics and went to another ball game last night. We had a nice time, and we got to bed a lot earlier than we would have if we stayed home to watch Olympics. Man, they've been keeping us up late! Can't miss gymnastics though, I've been waiting 4 years for this!
This thumbsucking thing has been really great for me. She slept for TWELVE hours last night, I can't believe it! This kid can sleep. It's been 6 nights now that she's slept between 8 and 12 hours. I really really hope this is a long term thing, I could get used to it! We took her to the doctor yesterday for her 2-month checkup. She's up to 12 pounds, 13 ounces now, 23.5 inches long. Her size has a lot to do with her sleeping through the night, that's for sure. So now I'm grateful that she cooked for 2 extra weeks and got so big! Totally worth it.
She got 5 shots at her appointment, it was heartbreaking. I had to work very hard to choke back the tears myself! She stopped crying as soon as I picked her up afterwards though, so that was encouraging. I fed her a bit before we left, that seemed to help too. She never developed a fever or anything, but she was very sleepy afterwards, fell asleep as soon as we strapped her into her carseat. I had an appointment that afternoon so I took her over to my Mom's after stopping home to finish feeding her. She tried to go for a walk with her, but Annie screamed and screamed, all she wanted to do was lie on Grandma's chest and sleep for an hour. Poor baby. I took her for a walk when we got home, and then tried to feed her again. She was really really fussy, so I gave her some Tylenol and she seemed to feel much better. I think her thighs must have been sore where they injected her. She was pretty much back to normal after that!
We went out last night to our city's free movie in the park, Horton Hears a Who. Aunt Kathryn and Uncle Kevin came along. Annie sat on Kathryn's lap, content to look around at everything until she got hungry. Unfortunately, as soon as I started feeding her it started raining. Poop! They had to turn off the movie, "Because of the rain. And safety." (That was the guy's exact words.) Very disappointing. We try to go to at least one movie in the park every year, and we had been looking forward to this one since the beginning of the summer. The last 3 summers it's rained on us! Oh well, we'll try again next year I'm sure!
Little Friends
We were amazed at how relaxed Annie was, even with Griffin "hugging" her. Kelly was right there to grab Fin each time, but Annie really didn't seem fazed by it. After he got down from the chair she sat there by herself for about 10 minutes, just chilling out, looking around.
Fin really loves other babies, I can't wait until Annie and Bella are old enough to crawl around with him! Of course he'll be walking by then. He'll have to show them the ropes.