Annie is still surprising us every day with what she's learning to do! She rolled over a bunch of times at Wendy's house this week, both front to back and back to front. She's still playing with her feet a lot, and is now putting them in her mouth, which is pretty hilarious. She started blowing raspberries last Sunday night, and will mimic me when I do it for her. Too funny! This video is so dark, you'll probably just have to take my word for it that she's doing it. I promise I'm shopping for a video camera!
Last Sunday was an exciting day. It was my Mom's birthday, so we went over to their house for a birthday breakfast (pancakes with strawberries & whipped cream, eggs, bacon, and cinnamon crumb cake, yum). After that Paul and I went to Buffalo for our first NFL game! They raffle off tickets at work and I have been trying to win them for years now. I finally won and was super excited. Until I remembered it was my mom's birthday. Darn it! She was great about it, of course, telling us we should go and that she'd watch Annie for us. She's the best. :) This is what Annie was doing when we left. She was all partied out:
The game was awesome. There were sooo many people there and it was so loud and exciting. Our seats were great, section 104, 22 rows up from the field. It drizzled off and on all day, but we didn't really get wet. The game itself was really exciting--they were losing for pretty much the whole game, but rallied in the 4th quarter to win the game with a field goal in the final 3 seconds. Awesome. Also, a relief, because I was getting a little nervous about how that crazy crowd would be if they lost! Traffic was horrendous on the way home, so we decided to go eat to wait it out a little. It didn't really help (traffic was still bad getting on the thruway), but dinner was delicious! We found an Olive Garden and pigged out. Yum. Overall, a great day. We missed Annie a lot, but it was nice to get out just the two of us again!
Love the horn helmet you got in the picture. Brad loved the game, too :)
He he, here's a better one: . I loved it too, I want one!
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