Going back to work didn't go too bad. I missed her like crazy, of course, and the guilt is awful. It will take a while to try to get over that. But I didn't even cry, which was amazing because I cried quite a few times during my last week at home just thinking about leaving her. She was in a good mood the first day though, and my Mom said she was really good all day, slept a lot and was happy when she was awake. That's how it's gone for the past few weeks. She only had one fussy day, and my mom is really enjoying spending the time with her. Such a relief. I know it would have been 10 times harder if she was crying when I dropped her off or called home to see how it was going. When I got to work that first day I immediately plastered my wall with pictures. I don't even care that I'm crazy picture lady, it helps!
Working 10 hour days isn't too bad. This is our really busy time of the year, so it helps the time pass quickly. I'm dreading December and January though, those are our slow times. The Fridays off are so worth it. I love having 3 whole days home with her. The first two weeks Annie was with her Grandma. Next week she starts going to Paul's former coworker Wendy's house one or two days a week since my mom works part-time. Paul brought Annie in to see her on Wednesday and said Annie was really smiley for her. So hopefully she'll be nice happy girl for Wendy like she is for my mom! She's an easy-going baby, so I'm confident it will go well.
Last weekend was Labor Day weekend so I had 4 days home. I planned that well! We had really beautiful weather all weekend, so we took advantage of it. Friday morning Annie and I took a really long walk, and then hung out at home for a little bit before going shopping at the mall for some fall clothes for Annie. She needed pants and socks sized 6 months because she's growing like crazy! She's just really long. 6 month socks are baggy on her because she doesn't have those chubby 6-month-old feet yet, but because her feet are so long they fit perfectly from toe to heel. I hope she stays long, I really am hoping she didn't inherit my height (or lack thereof).
Friday night we went to a baseball game. Melky Cabrera (a former Yankee) was in town playing on the Yankees farm team. He didn't do so well, but the home team won and we had a good time. Annie was fussy towards the end so she and I went down and walked around the picnic tables. She had many, many admirers down there, and she fell asleep on my shoulder after about 10 minutes or so. It's exhausting being cute, apparently.

Saturday night we went over to play Wiii with our friends Kris & Kelly. We had a really fun time eating junk and playing Wii sports games. That boxing game is quite the workout! I also discovered that I royally suck at Guitar Hero. Like, really bad. It's pretty hopeless. I had fun anyway, and they all had fun laughing at me. :) Annie had a good time watching and playing with her toys. Kris gave her a pink stuffed dolphin that he had, and she is mesmerized by it. It's very cute!

Sunday was State Fair day! It was so nice out, but it was super crowded at the fair. We hid out at the draft competitions for a while and then ventured out into the crowd. (And what a crowd it was. People watching at the fair is...um...interesting, to say the least!) Annie slept for most of the day. When she woke up she was happy walking around for a few hours. We went back to the horse building to watch another competition while we fed her a bottle. I brought pumped milk and a thermos full of hot water to heat up the bottle, and it worked out perfectly. A relief since it would have been nearly impossible to find a spot to nurse her discreetly in that crowd! Rascal Flatts and Taylor Swift were playing that night, so when people started heading to the concert, it cleared out considerably. We had a lot of fun visiting all of the animals (the bunnies, guinea pigs, and goats are my favorites, Paul loves the pigs) and walking around the buildings. We got our milk from the dairy bar (only 2 little cups for me, since I still have to lay off too much dairy!) and headed home around 9:30. It was a fun day, we love the fair.

Monday we headed to the beach for a picnic lunch. Annie and Paul snoozed the day away while I read a magazine. When she woke up we took her to the water to dip her toes in. She looked really confused and concerned, but overall she seemed like she didn't hate it. I'm excited for next year when she'll be old enough to wear sunscreen so we can take her all the way in!

So that was our first week with Mommy back at work. Not too bad, and a great weekend to cap it off!

1 comment:
I had been meaning to email you all week to see how you were doing. I know fully what you are talking about. It helps a lot when they are with someone you know and trust and they are happy :) I was in the same spot the last week I was home with Dominick: just thinking about leaving him made me cry! But then you start and it's not too bad.
Glad you guys had fun with the Wii! We have one and I love it. I loves me the Guitar Hero! Brad can't get it either, just keep trying, you'll get it ;)
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