Annie went on her first trip to the zoo today! Well, it was mostly a trip for her aunts and uncle and I. We hadn't been in a long time, and Meg was home from Michigan, so we thought it was a good time to go. Beautiful weather too--sunny and not too humid. Annie wasn't too impressed with the zoo, she slept through most of it, surprise, surprise. We had a good time though!

This week we also went to Utica to visit Uncle Pete, my late grandma's brother. Uncle Pete is wonderful--he's always been so good to my mother and us kids. He lives 3 hours away, but we visit with him as much as we can, and he's always been really close to all of us. He's also really goofy--always joking around and just a generally funny guy. So my mom, sisters, and brother drove up there on Wednesday. We went out to lunch and then out to buy Annie a teddy bear. He really enjoyed seeing her, he kept talking about how he remembered when we were that small. He also thinks she looks a bit like my grandma, and was talking about how cute she was when she was a baby (he was 4 years older than her). He really wished my grandma could be here to see her. We all really wish that. She would have been absolutely thrilled with her. I know she's watching over her though!

On a happy note: Wednesday was also the start of Super Baby. Annie was a bit cranky so Paul started flying her through the air. She would cry every time he stopped, so he had to keep it up for a half an hour, she absolutely loved it. She loves being Super Baby, I think Paul might be stuck with his arms up in the air for a while!

Jeez, way to make me sniffle & such with all the Uncle Pete/Grandma talk! Haha. Yes, Grandma would have absolutely loved her. But you're right, she's watching over her. :]
hehe, flying baby!
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