So I love being pregnant. I'm trying really hard to stay in the moment and enjoy it, since I'll probably only do this 2 or 3 times. (Paul always said 2, I always said 3. Now that we're pregnant he's so excited that he's saying 3 now. We'll see if that changes when the baby gets here.) I love everything about it. I love hearing her heartbeat, the ultrasounds, feeling her move around doing her baby aerobics, my family and friends' excitement when they see me, and most of all seeing my husband so happy every time he looks at or touches my belly. But I'm also the world's most impatient person, so waiting for this baby to get here is excruciating. I guess that's what pregnancy's all about though, time to dream about what she will look like and what her personality will be like. How Paul is going to be the best daddy. And it's definitely a good thing we get 9 months to prep. There sure is a lot to do to get ready! We are enjoying it immensely though, and spend most of our time being excited rather than panicky. We'll let you know if that changes in the next few weeks though!
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